PANC’s mobile APP is designed to give you better access to our office while you’re on the go. This APP is designed specifically for PANC patients. We want to make it easy for you to stay connected to our office. PANC (aka Pediatric Associates of Northern Colorado) is located on Harmony Road in Fort Collins, CO and we are a small pediatrician-owned practice serving families with kids from birth to 21 years. Having our APP on your mobile device will be like having our dedicated staff in your pocket or in your living room. Our APP will link you to our website, face book page, office photos, medication dosing, community resources, office forms and office policies. The best part is, our quick contact features will allow you to: click-to-call, email us, request an appointment, map/directions, and more. If you’ll allow it, we’d love to send you push notifications for important office events and community alerts, so you’re always in-the-know.